Laser Scanning
Buildings often deviate from the original as-built drawings or lack documentation and these undocumented changes can create problems during design or construction of a project. Pathfinder’s laser scanning team provides comprehensive scans of buildings helping to expedite project planning and design. High-definition scanning provides fast and accurate 3D measurement of spaces, detailing facility conditions and as-built construction.
Scanning replaces traditional methods for measuring your facility and, with the millions of data points collected, provides real-time information that can be utilized for Building Information Modeling applications. Because all existing conditions are documented — interiors, exteriors, piping, ductwork, mechanical and electrical systems, and more – the resulting model is highly accurate and the coordination process is reliable.
Pathfinder can expedite your project planning and design by creating a point cloud of your project site — for accurate measurements or the creation of a 3D walkthrough.