Pathfinder provided design and project management for this $1 million major facility renovation, which increased the size of the building by 33% to a total of 15,000 sq. ft. The construction included two additions and renovations throughout the building. The project includes new windows and better insulation, high-efficiency gas boilers for heating and domestic hot water, high-efficiency air conditioning for the church office and lounge, LED and T-8 lighting and significantly more and better LED exterior lighting for safety. The new building is now 100% accessible including all entrances, all toilet rooms, the sanctuary chancel and alter.
Energy Use Index (EUI) is the standard used by EPA and others for comparing building performance. The index is based on kBTU/SF/YR (Thousand BTU/Square feet of building/year). The EUI for the newly renovated building is 28.8. The result: a 33 percent increase in building size and a nearly 20% reduction in energy use when compared to 2006 energy consumption. According to the EPA, typical worship facilities typically have an EUI of 81.1. The HUCC EUI is a remarkable 64% lower.
"This is quite an accomplishment for an older building renovation," explains Dave Meyer, partner of the firm. "The Energy Star program compares buildings of similar type and usage to make the energy use comparisons relevant."