Western NY Healthcare, Veterans Administration Ward 9C
Ward Renovations
Pathfinder is providing full-service design, energy modeling and commissioning for the total renovation of a wing of the Buffalo Veterans Administration Medical Center. Comprising approximately 9,600 gross sq. ft., Ward 9C will serve as an acute medical care unit. One central nursing station and three de-centralized nursing stations are planned for the wing. Other support spaces are centrally located to minimize travel distances for nursing staff and in response to infection control recommendations.
The redesign accommodates updated Veterans Administration space planning requirements. This project will provide 14 private patient rooms with lift assists, new isolation rooms, new HVAC system, new windows and additional insulation at the perimeter walls.
Three mechanical spaces on the 8th floor will be included within the scope of the project with the mechanical system sized to condition this wing only. Abatement of asbestos containing materials will also be provided.
The mechanical design replaces the current steam radiant heating system with hot water panel style radiation under the new windows, replaces all ventilation components and locates new VAV reheat air handling units on the 8th floor mechanical rooms feeding up to the 9th floor. Optimal virus/bacterial mitigation strategies have been incorporated including bipolar ionization and MERV 14 filtration at all units.
The plumbing scope includes new fixtures, domestic water lines, sanitary, waste and vents and a proposed fire protection sprinkler system. Medical gas lines will be installed and are incorporated into patient headwall systems.
Electrical design includes wiring, lighting, emergency power, fire alarm, nurse call systems, telemetry, CATV, public address, door access, data and telephone.