SUNY Binghamton University East Campus Housing
Commissioning and Energy Modeling
USGBC LEED Gold (Phase 2) and Silver (Phase 1):
Pathfinder provided enhanced commissioning of mechanical and electrical systems for this newly constructed residential community. The project included four 107,800 sq. ft. dormitories, four 138,000 sq. ft. dormitories and a 50,000 sq. ft. collegiate center.
Commissioning to achieve LEED credits 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 9 for indoor environmental quality, construction indoor air quality, elevator systems, and door control and access systems was provided.
Energy modeling was provided for Rafuse, OConnor, Johnson and Digman Halls, totaling 611,000 sq. ft. Pathfinder’s energy modeling projected 32% less energy cost than the national baseline by which similar facilities are measured.