Monroe County Water Authority
Pathfinder has been providing engineering services for projects since 2003.
Projects include:
East Side Operations Center, Boiler Replacement: full-service design for the replacement of the boiler serving the Operations Center. Two 1.75 MBTU fully redundant boilers were provided and are tied into the existing Johnson Controls BMS.
East Side Operations Center, Heating Study: study for recommendations to upgrade existing heating systems in the Vehicle Maintenance Garage and two warehouses. The report provided documentation of existing conditions and recommends an infrared tubular heating system for the garage, and replacement in-kind for the main warehouse. The study also reviewed the requirements to insulate and heat a second, auxiliary warehouse.
East Side Operations Center, Air Handling Unit Replacement: study and design for a replacement to the 1988 vintage, 50 ton AHU and Dx condensing unit.
Shoremont Water Treatment Plant, Dehumidification Design: engineering design for the installation of a new exhaust system.