SUNY Canton Dana Hall
Pathfinder provided mechanical, plumbing, fire protection engineering and energy modeling for renovations including repurposing the former pool area for the Campus Police, academic, surge and office areas as well as the Business Incubator. Dana Hall was constructed in 1967 as an athletic facility.
The renovation included all new HVAC systems and zoning. Steam and heating water plants were replaced with a high-performance air and hydronic system for better performance and control. Automatic temperature control and energy management systems (EMS) improve the thermal environment. All HVAC components are capable of a complete override from the EMS.
Cooling is provided by a central chiller plant with a water circulating system serving cooling/dehumidification coils in air handling units. Chilled water is provided by a high efficiency air-cooled chiller. Heating is provided by a central heating water plant with a water circulating system serving preheat coils in air handling units and reheat coils on VAV boxes. Heating water is generated by high-efficiency condensing boilers.
The gymnasium is served by a number of heating and ventilating air handling units.
The existing water service has been upgraded for the new domestic water. Fire protection is provided by a wet sprinkler system. New plumbing systems included domestic cold water, domestic hot water with recirculation, sanitary drainage and vent, storm water drainage, natural gas and fire suppression. Plumbing fixtures, including toilet room fixtures, water coolers and showers are water-conserving and high efficiency.
$9 million renovation
High-performance systems