Cornerstone Eye Associates
New Surgical Center
Pathfinder provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection engineering design for a new 7,000 sq. ft. surgery center constructed for Cornerstone Eye Associates. The facility features two surgical suites, pre- and post-op areas, offices, consultation room, waiting space and a medical support area.
New York State Code and NYSDOH compliant ventilation design incorporates the required air changes, ventilation rates, filtration, humidity, and pressurization differentials for Surgery and Critical Care areas. Semi-custom air roof-top handlers are VAV and gas fired-DX with heat recovery and “higher-outdoor air” capabilities.
Surgical air handling systems were provided with HEPA filtration and an electric cartridge humidifier enabling air quality maintenance in surgical and pre- and post-op areas. A small condensing boiler was designed to accommodate “reheat capabilities” for comfort and humidity control in critical areas.
New low flow public facility plumbing fixtures, showers and wash sinks are featured. Domestic systems include a gas fired domestic water heater with recirculating pump. Natural gas service, distribution piping and meter detail were designed. The medical gas distribution piping layout along with oxygen and vacuum outlet specifications were identified, including an oxygen system with manifold design.
Lighting layout was coordinated with the HVAC systems utilizing high-efficiency LED fixtures. An emergency/standby generator and distribution was provided including emergency lighting and receptacles in critical areas of the facility. Additional design included layout of the nurse-call system and lighting control system.
Maximizing Wooded Views
Patient Centered Care

Two operating rooms, one procedure room, and seven patient care stations in a combined pre-op/post-op suite.

Central nurse station for easy monitoring of all patient care stations, with amazing wooded views.