Hutchings Psychiatric Center Building 8


Industry: Healthcare, State/Municipal

Services Provided: Climate Leadership

USGBC LEED Silver Certification

The Hutchings Psychiatric Center Building 8 underwent a gut rehabilitation with additions, totaling approximately 45,000 sq. ft. including a 12,245 sq. ft. addition. Pathfinder provided energy modeling in support of Executive Order 111 and LEED certification. Pathfinder performed NYSERDA TA services to help achieve maximum financial incentives available from the New Construction Program.

Design drawings for the 100% submission were used to create Baseline and Proposed design models according to ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 – Appendix G, and as required by LEED 2009, for achieving the maximum possible points under credit EAc1. An improved envelope was modeled in the proposed design relative to the baseline and included increased exterior wall insulation, improved glazing and an improved roof. The proposed design has a more effective HVAC design, including efficient space heating and cooling systems. As modeled relative to a Baseline design, the project showed a 38% energy savings. This satisfied the minimum requirement of 10% energy savings for Executive Order 111. Applying utility rates specific to the project results in 29% annual energy cost savings. This would achieve 11 points for LEED credit EAc1, which meets the minimum LEED energy cost savings requirement and exceeds the project goal of four points.

Key design features that reduced energy requirements included: efficient heating hot water and service hot water gas boilers; improved building envelope (roof, walls and window glazing); HVAC controls, efficient chiller; advanced lighting system; lighting controls and occupancy Sensors.

The project received $24,805 in NYSERDA incentives.