Cornell University Bradfield Hall

Energy Modeling

Industry: Higher Education

Services Provided: Climate Leadership

Pathfinder provided energy modeling for the renovation of this 11-story, 160,000 sq. ft. energy intensive academic building with wet and dry labs, environmental chambers, classrooms, conference rooms and offices.

Bradfield Hall is one of the largest energy consumers at the University with an annual operating EUI of 340 kBtu/sf/year. The campus has a target EUI of 150 kBtu/sf/year for all laboratory buildings. A computer energy model using eQuest v3.64 was utilized to model the existing building energy use. A parametric analysis was then completed to determine the energy and cost savings associated with potential energy conservation measures (ECMs) within the scope of the project. According to the Schematic Design phase model, the proposed energy conservation measures can reduce the operating EUI of the building from 340 kBtu/sf/year to 224 kBtu/sf/year. Further reduction in energy consumption can be achieved by upgrading the mechanical systems serving the non-laboratory spaces.

Based on a Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) of three different system approaches, the proposed design anticipates an overall operating EUI of 172 kBtu/sf/year. While the resulting estimated EUI is shy of the target EUI of 150 kBtu/sf/year, the proposed scope would anticipate a 49% reduction in overall energy consumption.