Pathfinder is pleased to announce that founding partner Lynn G. Bellenger, PE, Fellow ASHRAE, who passed away in October 2011, has been inducted into the ASHRAE Hall of Fame. This award honors deceased members who made milestone contributions to the growth of ASHRAE-related technology and the organizational development of ASHRAE.
The award will be presented to Mrs. Bellenger's husband, Neil, at the January 20, 2018 ASHRAE Winter Conference in Chicago.
Previously, ASHRAE honored Mrs. Bellenger by creating two one-year scholarships:
Mrs. Bellenger had more than 30 years of experience in the mechanical and energy engineering fields. She was an expert for energy projects ranging from comprehensive energy audits to multi-discipline design and construction projects for industrial, institutional and commercial buildings. She pioneered techniques that are widely used today, such as energy modeling and retro-commissioning. Mrs. Bellenger was a Professional Engineer, ASHRAE certified as a Building Energy Modeling Professional and a High Performance Building Design Professional, as well as a LEED Accredited Professional.
Pathfinder was founded in 1998 by Mrs. Bellenger and her three business partners Nancy Jendryaszek, AIA, LEED AP; David J. Meyer, PE, LEED AP, CEM; and David L. Klock, PE, LEED AP (now retired). Alex C. Strasenburgh, PE, LEED AP, became a partner in 2012.
Just a few months before her death, Mrs. Bellenger completed a term as ASHRAE President, directing the international organization's Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Mrs. Bellenger was the first woman president in the Society's 116 year history. She formerly served as president-elect, treasurer and vice president.
Her presidential theme, Modeling a Sustainable World, noted that in energy simulation, daylight analysis, CFD and BIM software, we have powerful modeling tools that enable us to create and refine our vision of a building – its appearance, systems, operation and performance.
Mrs. Bellenger formerly served as Region I director and regional chair, vice president and as director-at-large. Past service also included chair of an ad hoc committee on health impacts in standards, Publishing Council, Member Council and the Continuing Education Committee. She held all offices in the Rochester Chapter. Mrs. Bellenger was a recipient of the Exceptional Service Award, the Distinguished Service Award, two first-place ASHRAE Energy Awards, the Lincoln Bouillon Award, a Region I Golden Gavel Award and a Regional Award of Merit. In 1984, she was named Engineer of the Year by the chapter.